However, I had a great walk to the store. I wore my bright blue headscarf and put my ipod up all the way (under my headscarf and abaya) so i could totally ignore everybody and everything and just stride down the street listening to The Dandy Warhols (who are arguably the best band for purposeful striding). Once I got to the store, half an hour later, I realized there was no way I was going to be able to cover my head on the way back, so I take off my headscarf, and then standing unobtrusively in the juice aisle I unbutton part of my abaya so I can get to my ipod to turn it off. But of course, some young man walks by at just that time and whistles at me. Peachy.
And on the way back, wearing my abaya but no headscarf, I got NOTICEABLY more attention. Part of it might have been that i was walking over there early, before things opened, and on the way back things were open and there were people around, but i have to believe part of it was my shocking blond hair. I passed two little children and their mother - the kids were sitting on some sort of abandoned sofa on the side of the road, and as I pass by the little girl sees me and her eyes widen. I smiled at her and she looked even more incredulous. She starts tugging on her brother's shirt saying "Shoof! Shoof!" ("Look! Look!") and pointing at me. Perhaps they've legitimately never seen a blond person before? I can't really believe that to be the case, there are too many foreigners in Jeddah. But who knows what kind of sheltered lives these kids might lead. Anyway, at least I provided the world with some entertainment. That's a good start.
The pictures are of where I live, by the way. The bit you can see from outside, anyway. The gate of the residence is on a roundabout with a giant sculpture of a book in it; it's really a beautiful sculpture, it's too bad it's so out of the way. In the picture at the top you can see two of the biggest landmarks of my part of town, as well: the
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