Thursday, October 06, 2005

Misuse of the Pulpit

And, just because I can, I found a great quote in Stephen King's The Gunslinger, the first of the Dark Tower series. If y'all like Stephen King, or even if you don't, this is worth reading I think. Not horror. Rather Tolkein writ Wild West.

In any case:

"He fled the light and the knowledge the light implied, and so came back to himself. Even so do the rest of us, even so the best of us."

Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

mmm i like. are u implying that humans are so naturally flawed that we cant exist in the light and still be ourselves? profound. but ill agree with it. humans are flawed creatures... and i feel like it would be boring to exist permanently in the light.